Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Beyond Mother's Day

Sunday was Mother's Day. It was great! I taught Sharing Time at church (the lesson for the children). We made flowers for the moms out of pipe cleaners and tissue paper. It was cute.

For dinner we met at my mom's house and had dinner and hung out. All I had to make was a salad-it was nice. We had flank steak, which is an all-time family fave. I had my mom take a 4-generation picture which is the one you see. Sawyer had pink eye, so Chris stayed home with him. Aside from that little hiccup, we had a great day.

Monday we left as a family to go to the funeral for Glen. It was nice, and I could not believe how many people came. Even the Governor was there. It was a short, but long trip. I found out that the three other soldiers with him were also killed. I hope things hurry up and end over there. I know, probably not, but I will hope an end will come soon.

Today the kids went back to school. It turns out that Aiden won't need any more speech help when he starts kindergarten. They think he is doing well enough to be on his own, and can speak well enough to be understood. That was nice to hear. It was great to see the smile on his face when his teachers told him how well he had done this year and how far he had come. He still mixes up some sounds and he still can't say his "R's," but they assure me it will come in time. Caylee had a "Wacky Day" at school, so I did her hair funny and she wore her shirt inside out. I remember doing funny stuff like that when I was younger. It was part of her school spirit week.

So, the grandparents are coming down this weekend. The "Men" are going to the gun show while us females and youngsters will be going to the Butterfly Pavillion. I will have to let you all know how that goes. Until then, take care!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Mmm, flank steak IS the best! I want some now. Glad you had a decent Mother's Day! Sorry to hear about Chris's friend, I hope his wife gets through this okay.